Monday, July 12, 2010

Sensory toys

This is some stuff thats out in the market

Mike Ayres Design
Mike Ayres is a professional designer with 30 years experience in creating equipment and environments for people with special needs. He was instrumental in introducing the Dutch concept of ‘Snoezelen’ into Britain in the 1980's.
The Sensory Trolley
A complete sensory resource or room – on a shopping trolley (albeit a specially made one). You just wheel it into a room, put the brakes on, plug it into one 13 amp socket and it’s ready to use. It comes complete with Switch2 control, switches, sound systemand any other equipment you want.

Sense Toys
Musical Inchworm
This colourful quality velour fabric squishy worm is suitable from birth. Encourages pulling, squeezing and hugging and emits squeak sounds. crinkles and jingles.

Colour Storm Ball
This unusual ball is both like a snow globe and a bouncy ball. It contains multi-coloured beads suspended in clear liquid which move around as the ball is rolled or bounced.

Focus Toys
Squishy Mesh Ball


  1. interesting stuff, our work may be of interest to you :
    vh Henrik Svarrer Larsen

  2. Thank you. DOnt know if you saw this page.. These are the toys that I designed

    Thanks for the link.
